Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Child Protection Policy free essay sample

Approximately 4 out of 10 children in Grades 1-3 and 7 out of 10 in higher grade levels have complained of verbal abuse by their teachers; 36. 53 % of children in Grades 4-6 and 42. 88% of high school students surveyed indicated they have experienced verbal sexual violence in school and 11. 95% of children in Grades 4-6 and 17. 60% of high school students have experienced inappropriate touching. †¢Source: â€Å" Towards A Child –Friendly Education Environment†, PWU- C. CWC- UNICEF for Plan Philippines in 2009 Physical, Verbal and Sexual Abuse and Violence Among Children , (i. . Bullying, etc. ) A. 73. 58% of children in Grades 4-6 and 78. 36% in high school surveyed in urban areas have suffered verbal abuse violence from their peers; 30. 17% of children in Grades 4-6 and 37. 57% in high school surveyed in rural areas have experienced physical abuse or violence committed by their peers; 26. 74% of children in Grades 4-6 and 43. 71% in high school in urban areas surveyed have experienced verbal sexual abuse committed by their peers and 9. 65% of Grades 4-6 and 17. 71 of high school students experienced inappropriate touching. Source: â€Å" Towards A Child –Friendly Education Environment†, PWU- B. C. CWC- UNICEF for Plan Philippines in 2009 MANDATE ? Art. XV. Sec. 3(b). 1987 Philippine Constitution: â€Å"the State shall defend the right of children to assistance, including proper care and nutrition, and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation and other conditions prejudicial to their development†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Article XIV, Section 3, (b): â€Å" all educational institutions shall inculcate patriotism and nationalism, foster love of humanity, respect for human rights†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ? ? Article 218, 220, 233 of the Family Code of the Philippines and PD 603 â€Å"gives the school, its administrators and teachers, or the individual, entity or institution engaged in child care the special parental authority and responsibility over the minor child while under their supervision, instruction or custody†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. â€Å"Authority and responsibility shall apply to all authorized activities whether inside or outside the premises of the school, entity or institution†¦. † DECLARATION OF POLICY †¢ Deped shall ensure that our schools are conducive to the education of children. The best interest of the child shall be the paramount consideration in all decisions and actions involving children. Teachers are their substitute parents and are expected to discharge their functions and duties with this in mind. DepED shall promulgate a zero tolerance policy for any act of child abuse, exploitation, violence, discrimination, bullying and other forms of abuse. †¢ OVERVIEW HIGHLIGHTS OF THE POLICY ? 1. Goal: effective implementation of a zero tolerance policy for any act of child abuse, exploitation, violence, discrimination, bullying and other forms of abuse. 2. PROHIBITED ACTS . Child abuse; 2. Discrimination against children; 3. Child Exploitation; 4. Violence Against Children in School; 5. Corporal Punishment; 6. Any analogous or similar acts; and 7. Bullying or Peer Abuse ? â€Å"Violence against children committed in schools† refers to a single act or a series of acts committed by school administrators, academic and non-academic personnel against a child which result in or is likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological harm or suffering, or other abuses including threats of such acts, battery, assault, coercion, harassment or arbitrary deprivation of liberty. It includes, but is not limited to the following acts: 1. 2. 3. 4. Physical violence Sexual violence Psychological violence Other acts of violence ? â€Å"Corporal Punishment† refers to a kind of punishment or penalty imposed for an alleged or actual offense, which is carried out or inflicted, for the purpose of discipline, training or control, by a teacher, school administrator, an adult, or any other child who has been given or has assumed authority or responsibility for punishment or discipline. â€Å"Bullying or Peer Abuse† – refers to willful aggressive behavior that is directed towards a particular victim who may be out-numbered, younger, weak, with disability, less confident, or otherwise vulnerable, more particularly: a. Bullying b. Cyber-bullying 3. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF SCHOOLS ? Ensure the institution of effective child protection policies and procedures and monitor compliance thereof; Ensure that the school adopts a child protection policy, organize and convene Child Protection Committee (CPC) for the school; Conduct the capacity building activities for the members of the CPC and Guidance Counselors/Teachers; Ensure that the participatory and other rights of children are respected and upheld in all matters and procedures affecting their welfare; Coordinate with appropriate offices and other agency or instrumentality for appropriate assistance and intervention, as may be required in the performance of its functions ? ? ? 4. ESTABLISHMENT OF CHILD PROTECTION COMMITTEE (CPC) Composition: School Head/Administrator – Chairperson Guidance Counselor/ Teacher –Vice Chairperson Representative of the Teachers as designated by the Faculty Club Representative of the Parents as designated by the PTA Representative of pupils/students as designated by the Su preme Student Council Representative from the Community as designated by the Punong Barangay, preferably from the BCPC. ? ? ? ? ? ? Functions of CPC’s: ? Initiate information dissemination programs and organize activities for the protection of children; Establish a system for identifying students who may be suffering from significant harm based on any physical, emotional or behavioral signs; Monitor the implementation of positive measures and effective procedures in providing the necessary support for the child and for those who care for the child; and Ensure that the children’s right to be heard are respected and upheld in all matters and procedures affecting their welfare. ? ? ? 5. PREVENTIVE MEASURES: Capacity Building of School Officials, Personnel, Parents and Students ? Strategies: ? Conducting sessions, trainings and seminars on positive peer relationships and enhancement of social and emotional competence; ? Using training modules which include positive and non-violent discipline in classroom management and gender sensitivity; ? Employing of means which enhance the skills and pedagogy in integrating and teaching children’s rights in the classroom. 6. PROTECTIVE AND REMEDIAL MEASURES TO ADDRESS BULLYING AND OTHER ACTS OF ABUSE ? PROCEDURES: All bullying incidents shall be reported to the School Head. The School Head shall in turn inform the parents of the pupils concerned and a meeting shall be held for that purpose. The student shall be referred to the CPC for counseling and other interventions. The School may impose Non-punitive Measures in accordance with the principles of Positive and Non-Violent Discipline. ? ? ? Punitive measures will be a las t resort. 7. PROCEDURES IN HANDLING CHILD ABUSE, EXPLOITATION, VIOLENCE AND DISCRIMINATION CASES 1. Expeditious conduct of investigation and reporting of cases; 2. School Head or the Schools Division Superintendent shall forward the complaint within 48 hours to the Disciplining Authority, who shall issue an Order for the conduct of a fact-finding investigation, not later than 72 hours from submission; 3. If the person complained of is a non-teaching personnel, the Schools Division Superintendent shall cause the conduct of a fact-finding investigation within the same period; 4. Criminal and civil liability shall not be a bar to the filing of an administrative case; 5. The Revised Rules of Procedure of DepED in Administrative Cases shall apply in all other aspects; 6. The identity or other information that may reasonably identify the pupil or student shall remain confidential; and 7. The identity of a respondent-teacher shall likewise be kept confidential. 8. ASSESSMENT AND REFERRAL OF VICTIMS TO LSWDO ? The CPC shall accomplish the Intake Sheet; ? The School Head may refer the victims and offenders to LSWDP for assessment and appropriate intervention thank you

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